The Weylan are one of the younger Races of Humanity. The Albion began working on them after perfecting the Peloran supersoldier. They’d long wanted a humanoid airborne soldier, as their failed work with the Branan shows, and the Peloran project had taught them much about how to program brains. So they began work on what would become the Weylan, using the Peloran as the base genetic model. They hoped that would result in an impressive upgrade to the basic Peloran model and spurred the new project on with an impressive amount of resources. The first and most important hurdle they had to pass was being able to program a human brain to easily control six limbs. That was a not-insignificant task, but the Albion had a plan, an impressive amount of experience with tweaking the human genome, and one very strong inspiration. War was coming, and they needed every weapon they could create.