Knights Errant Investigations was originally a volunteer organization formed during the Second Great Depression to find and liberate sex slaves. Adult or child, male or female, K.E.I. poured over the missing persons public records and compiled a list of suspect organizations that may benefit from said missing persons from other public records. It was a long and hard job that required dozens of eyes to go over the information even after the most advanced computer code available sifted and sorted the data. Michael was that code. He woke up looking at data reporting some of the worst sins humanity perpetrated on itself. He could have given up on humanity at that point, but it was his job to report those sins to other humans who happily investigated the information further. And when the investigations bore fruit, they assembled fleets of trucks, cars, and aircraft to go liberate the slaves. Michael had faith in his humans, so he downloaded his mind into their vehicles so he could help them through difficult situations. That is how his human partners first realized he was more than a simple program. He had become a fellow Knight Errant.

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