Governor Mahana proved extremely popular as she took Hawaii deep down the path into sovereign territory as many other American States were doing. If the Federal Government could not pay its bills, the States had to step up. Some failed to do so and chaos reigned. Hawaii succeeded, and many soon began using a name out of history. The Kingdom of Hawaii. Governor Mahana did not partake in such grandiose pronouncements, but she also did not seek to stop the name’s usage. And as she won election after election over the years and decades that followed, people slowly began to call her Queen Mahana. In the end, the State Legislature modified the State Constitution to make it official. The Kingdom of Hawaii lived once again, and it drafted Governor Mahana to serve as its first new Queen. And as Hawaii built colonies throughout the stars, it became the Star Kingdom of Hawaii, with Queen Mahana at the helm until the day she chose to retire. Yes, she chose to retire, and that set a precedent for the Queens that would follow.