Raconteur Press is releasing another Space Cowboys anthology this week, so I recommend you go back and check out the ones you haven’t read yet. There are many good stories in them. And in Space Cowboys 404: Cow Now Found, you can find one of my stories, The Guns of Liberty. Read up if you want to be ready for the big release this weekend.
They aren’t done with us. They’ve worked hard at “fundamentally transforming the United States of America” as Obama said all those years ago. They aren’t going to just let us take it back because they lost an election. At best they will change tactics. Though they’ll still use the old tactics that work. They’re counting illegal ballots in Pennsylvania right now to try to overturn one lost election. They are already saying that they will resist Trump’s policies as much as possible. Some have said they won’t certify the election when the Electoral College votes. We have to “Fight, Fight, Fight” as Trump said if we want to bring back the America we grew up in because they aren’t done.
They are lying to you. How do we know? Every network and every anchor who has spent the last months or years saying Trump is literally Hitler or all the other similar things about him and his voters who now change their tune are lying to you. They said it for political advantage, and now when their ratings are tanking, they are saying the new thing for political and ratings advantage. They didn’t believe what they were saying before. They probably don’t believe what they are about to say now. They are lying. They are not trustworthy. And if you believe anything they told you, please research it yourself on places they don’t control. You may find out that they are lying to you.
Men, find yourself a woman you love and respect and that makes you want to be better than you are. That way you will always strive to be better. Women, find yourself a man you love and respect as he is. Don’t settle for a man you have to fix before you will respect him. A man will walk over hot coals for a woman who loves and respects him. And a lady wants a man who goes out of his way to show how much he loves and respects her. Marriage takes two people working at it to work out, and it is never easy. Not over a lifetime. But if you start with love and respect on both sides, it is better. And whatever you do, never let either love or respect go away. Healthy marriages don’t stay healthy if you don’t have both.
I’m playing a dwarf champion in a Pathfinder campaign right now, and I decided I wanted to get a miniature. So I went to the store to buy one. The only dwarves I could find had no beards. I felt like I was in that meme where one guy slaps the other guy and says “that’s heresy.” So I went to another store. No dwarves. Another store. No beards. I had to go to four gaming stores who stock roleplaying miniatures before I found a dwarf with a beard. This is wrong on so many levels. I call for justice for dwarves! Bring back the beards! Because dwarves without beards is just heresy. 😉