Coffee Capers is out now, allowing you to finally fuel your addiction to the stimulating beverage by reading more tales that are absolutely true and tell you the real history and future of coffee and you. How it changed humanity and the universe. How it is the best part of waking… oh… the lawyer said I shouldn’t finish that sentence. Ahem. Go check it out. You might enjoy it. Yeah… the lawyer says I can say that.
Coffee Capers is coming out this weekend, and is slowly sneaking out onto Amazon, but for now we have Coffee Adventures fully out and ready to buy if you are interested. It is filled with interesting stories about how coffee can change the mind and take you places you never dreamed existed. And in my story, Another Perfect Cup, one may question what a man is willing to do for one.
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning – Psalm 30:5