My thoughts and prayers are going out to Florida and the surrounding States. I’ve seen pictures of Waffle Houses boarded up, so I know this hurricane means business. Please be careful, and look out for yourselves. And the rest of the United States will be here to help you rebuild after the storm fades.
Polls say that over a quarter of Democrats think America would be better off if the assassins managed to kill Trump. Less than half said America would be worse off. Over half of Democrats said we don’t need to increase Trump’s security, even though we’ve now had two assassination attempts. And never forget that the DOJ just released a bounty on Trump’s head for everybody in the public to read. Democrats and the media, but I repeat myself, have called Trump “literally Hitler” and “a threat to our Democracy” for a decade, and now they say it is Trump’s rhetoric that causes people to want to assassinate him. What with Democrats continuing to pursue rhetoric that radicalizes the mentally ill into doing crazy things, I expect more assassinations to come.
So Mom wanted to install solar on her house before she died. There was always a lot of treehugger in her, and she loved solar power. So I signed a deal to install it on my house as well. Then she died. I got her installation cancelled due to her dying, but mine went on. And on. And on. And they could never get it right. All of this at the same time as I was moving out of my house and to Mom’s house and needed to get a rental certificate. Which I couldn’t get because the solar panel installation wasn’t complete. The company went out of business before they could finish it. But a new company completed it just this month. And then I took and passed the certification test.
So now, for the first time since Mom died, I’m actually fully legal to rent again. Until October 1. Yes. The process took so long that it is now time for a new certification process. Gotta love the chaos. The good news is that since I’ve paid for the next permit, and the inspection is scheduled, I will still be fully legal to rent as we go through the process. But it is awful nice to finally be off the naughty list. Not that I was on the REALLY naughty list. They knew what was up and Rochester plays nice with homeowners that are at least putting good faith effort into following Rochester code. And they know me by SIGHT at the office by now, I’ve been talking to them so much. It is still awful nice to finally be off the naughty list.
I bought the house next to my Mom’s house a decade ago. Moved over, and helped keep Mom at home by helping do the things that needed doing around a house. And I rented a couple bedrooms out to pay my mortgage while I lived in the basement, where I wanted to live. I bought Mom’s house when she got sick, and when she died I moved back into her house. And since I’m no longer an owner living on the premises, I now have to go through my town’s rental training program to get a rental certificate. So today I’m watching the videos and filling out the test. Lucky, lucky me.
It was a fluke we caught the assassin who tried to take out Trump. He had a stolen car in the perfect place to get out of Dodge the moment he was done. But a bystander followed him close enough to get a good image of the license plate. And Florida’s electronic systems were fast enough to scan the highways and find the car. And traffic was jammed enough for the Sheriff to catch him. One of Trump’s inner security went ahead to scout and saw the rifle. A bystander got involved and got a picture. The computers tracked him. The sheriff arrested him. He should have gotten away, but enough people got involved to stop it. Never Forget the plan…