I enjoy visiting the Russian worlds. Oh sure, we fought during The War, but there’s a big difference between the government and the people. And honestly, we have a lot more in common with the Russians than many other nations. And they have minimal centralized control. Basically, you can do whatever you want on a Russian world, as long as you don’t break the law. Just remember not to break the law there. You do not want to spend a night in a Russian jail.
Sometimes I’m surprised that humans live on Novaya Rodina at all. Historically, it all makes sense of course. It is the fourth of five habitable worlds, assuming flexible definitions of the term, in the Alpha Centauri Trinary star system, so of course we went there. And the Russians do have a rather flexible definition of the term habitable compared to the rest of us. They actually claim to like the world. Of course, they also claim to like Siberia.
Most people only had one plan during The War. Survive. But Charles and I had many plans. Some failed. Others succeeded. Some…went sideways. The Wolfenheim Project turned out to be one of those. It started out simple. Acquire Family funding to create Wolfenheim. The Family was not feeling particularly generous when they discovered they were “donating” to the project. In fact, they went to great efforts to recover their investment. Very great efforts.
Hello, my name is Charles. The English side of my family saw the New World as the future. A way to expand our power and riches. And so we helped fund several colonies. Probably the biggest was this little one that became known as Pennsylvania. According to our histories, we held enough influence in the court that we influenced the king’s approval of the charter. I grew up in the house we built there. I may have had my difficulties there, but it was a good place to grow up.
One thing I don’t like about the Chinese worlds is that they’re all the same. The single, overriding Chinese culture does not accept challengers to its might. It dominates everywhere it goes, creating a whole lot of worlds that just feel alike. I suppose the Chinese on top like that all their Core Worlds feel like home. But I like a bit of chaos. Stubborn frontier folk and the like. Maybe that’s why I don’t spend a lot of time in the Core Worlds.