I’m 5,000 Lights from Terra now, haven’t seen a Terran in 1,000 Lights, a Peloran in 500. I think I’m finally outside their zone of influence. So now I can start digging for history. There’s something the Peloran haven’t told us. Our governments haven’t told us. I can feel it. And out here I think I can uncover it.
I haven’t seen a Terran world in twenty years. The last time I did, a lot of people died, some of them my friends. I’m sure you’ve read their stories. We can be hard to kill cause of our training, but a bullet to the heart will still kill us dead. We all die sometime. Even me. You are after all reading this. I hope it’s an awful long time from now.
They want me to tell you about fighting for truth, justice, and the American way. It was dirty, hot, and dangerous, dodging bullets, watching friends…But you don’t want to know that. It’s the confetti streamers, the bands, and all those thankful California girls waiting to welcome us victorious uniforms home they want me to talk about. It’s not those dreams that wake me up at night though.
I was an American soldier. Yes, I signed my name on the check that says ‘payable up to and including my life.’ A lot of my friends paid in full. During the war I met Betty and we’ve been flying throughout all civilized space ever since it ended. I’ve seen things…talked to people…far beyond the knowledge of most Terrans. I hope by the time you read this that has changed.
I think I need to clarify something. We aren’t united. The Terran race. It started during the Second American Revolution. We stopped buying. They stopping making. Global Depression happened. The United Nations turned into a bi…bicker fest. It didn’t last. We almost didn’t make it back to space. We didn’t go out together. And the Shang didn’t unite us.