They want me to tell you about fighting for truth, justice, and the American way. It was dirty, hot, and dangerous, dodging bullets, watching friends…But you don’t want to know that. It’s the confetti streamers, the bands, and all those thankful California girls waiting to welcome us victorious uniforms home they want me to talk about. It’s not those dreams that wake me up at night though.
I was an American soldier. Yes, I signed my name on the check that says ‘payable up to and including my life.’ A lot of my friends paid in full. During the war I met Betty and we’ve been flying throughout all civilized space ever since it ended. I’ve seen things…talked to people…far beyond the knowledge of most Terrans. I hope by the time you read this that has changed.
I think I need to clarify something. We aren’t united. The Terran race. It started during the Second American Revolution. We stopped buying. They stopping making. Global Depression happened. The United Nations turned into a bi…bicker fest. It didn’t last. We almost didn’t make it back to space. We didn’t go out together. And the Shang didn’t unite us.
A long dead man said we had to water the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots. Well, that happened in the 18th Century when we stood up against the Kings, and the 21st against the Socialists, and the 24th against the Shang. I watered a fair bit in that last one. I really hope I don’t have to again. Difference is, I’m prepared to. If you’re reading this, I hope I watered well.
Jack spends so much time talking about himself, politics, war, and peace that I feel like I’m in some Russian tragedy. But when does he talk about his ship? That’s me by the way. I chose him to be my captain, my pilot, my closest friend and ally in the universe. It was, I think, the best choice I have made in my life.