I chose how my family’s cybernetic codes would be mixed when I was born. And since I was to be the partner of another specific human, how much the family code would be molded to complement his personality. I walked into this life with eyes wide open, and after a great deal of study. That is why I knew how deeply patriotic he had become, even if he lacked the ridiculously strident rah-rah patriotism that many of you wear on your sleeves. He was not the kind of person to start a fireworks demonstration on Independence Day, though he enjoyed them immensely. He had read and memorized all of America’s founding documents, but hid the depth of his patriotism to America’s founding vision. His Family had worked to undermine that for centuries, and he sought to redeem them or destroy them. I adopted his mission, and I have never regretted it. Yes, as trite as it sounds, I am proud to be an American. And I do love your ridiculously outrageous Independence Day celebrations. They are so… American…