For months now the right wing of politics has thought that the Democrats were planning to replace Old Joe with someone else. Bait and Switch at the end. Amongst them there was a fringe theory that this debate was set so early in the cycle, before the candidates are finalized, as a way to test Old Joe. If he failed, they would kick him out. That was a very fringe theory you understand. Watching the main stream news and the left wing pundits, but I repeat myself, instantly calling for replacing Old Joe after this debate suggests strongly that the talking points were already out there. They don’t tend to speak that uniformly without the script already in hand. Because of this, I forecast that the chances of Old Joe being replaced just went way up. Don’t count him out though. He, his family, and his loyalists still have a vote and I don’t know if the left wing can give them a big enough Golden Parachute to make them go away. The next week or two are going to be very interesting times indeed.