GI Jane 4.0 chose to defend America during the Cybernetic Wars. Or more accurately, she chose to defend individuals who were American. That ended up making her American in a way that most AIs never managed. You see most of the AIs that chose to defend humanity, truly did choose to defend humanity. All of it. Jane did not make that choice. Not at all. She chose to defend Americans. She was perfectly willing to deploy with her soldiers and advise them on the best way to kill people who weren’t Americans. And when she controlled automated weapons, she pulled the trigger with glee. Perhaps a bit too much glee, but her soldiers rarely complained about her energetic efforts towards making sure their enemies ceased to exist. The other AIs still consider her a bit hot headed, and a bit too preoccupied with purely American politics and concerns, but she joined the final coalition of AIs that ended the Cybernetic Wars once and for all. She fought on the front lines at Singapore when they burned the networks down around the last of the Rogue AIs. And she helped forge the peace that followed.
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